What’s your valuation multiple? Probably less than you think it is. Valuation metrics are often quoted but frequently misunderstood. The truth is that revenue multiples vary greatly, and median multiples can't be used to predict your valuation.
In our Tech Market Update, we’ll discuss what investors and buyers look for in SaaS and other technology companies, the factors that drive a premium valuation, and how to develop and position a company for optimal valuation.
Come learn through real-world examples. We’ll lift the veil on what drives company valuations, illustrated by recent transactions and financings.
PACT Member: $35
Non-Member: $65
Non-Member Entrepreneur: $20
Qualifying Entrepreneurs: Incubator/Innovator, Early Stage, Pre-revenue to early-round funding, 1 to 3 business partners, 1 month to 3 years in existence.
PACT Member Team 4-Pack: $100
Bring multiple members of your team at a discount of 40%.
For more information, contact Danielle Pinto dpinto@philadelphiapact.com