Two must attend sessions at Higher Ed Summit 2017

As you guys are preparing for the higher ed summit in Austin this week, the challenge is to find sessions which would help you to succeed in your current job and make right decisions. I am presenting 2 sessions which would be of great value to you.

Planning to migrate to HEDA from existing org

If you are already using Salesforce and using Targetx package, this session would help you to learn best practices to migrate to HEDA, things to consider which would help you to prevent major problems. UTSA Grad school is co presenting with me on their story on how they planned their migration to HEDA from their current org, challenges they faced and how they overcame them. I can guarantee you would learn the following from this session.

  • Best practices to migrate to HEDA from your org and advantages
  • Things to avoid which would save you a lot of time
  • Real journey explained by UTSA Grad school

Top 3 Considerations for Getting Started in Salesforce – Org , Security and Lead Strategy

If you are planning to get started in salesforce, there is a lot of unanswered questions which you would like to get answers from. In the above session, I focus on the top 3 key decisions you need to make before you start customizing salesforce to meet your needs. This session covers org strategy whether single org or multiple orgs, Security to be considered if you are rolling it to your enterprise and also decision to use or not use Leads. I am presenting this session with Amir from Lehigh University who would share his wisdom on the single org vs multi-org decisions.

By attending this session, you would walk away with the following key learnings

  • Decision on to use single vs Multi- org for your university
  • Security best practices if you plan to roll out to your enterprise
  • Decision on to use Leads or not.

Since the higher ed session is a highly attended event, I would recommend the following checklist which you should bring with you to attend the event.

  1. Backup chargers for your phones, laptop
  2. Business card

3. Tablets like ipad, kindle which would be helpful to make quick notes

4. Ask for help on topics to partners, salesforce team and your fellow higher ed folks and plan to atleast connect with 2 or 3 people who can help you with your current problem.

We are at the booth on the higher ed session and would love to take questions and help you to be successful with your salesforce implementation. If you have any questions you can email me at or call me at 302-438-4097 to setup a quick conversation at the summit.