HEDA Architecture with Non-Profit Starter Pack

We find a lot of Colleges and Universities that have potential to utilize the Higher Education Data Architecture (HEDA) Framework for their instance of Salesforce.com. The first question I tend to hear from our clients in the Higher Education sector seems to always be, “We already have the Non-Profit Starter Pack (NPSP) installed in our instance of Salesforce.com, could we still install HEDA?”

3 Warning Signs for Universities using Salesforce

If you’re a university using Salesforce CRM for your enrollments and if you’re not using apps like TargetX or Enrollment RX, you might be tracking your prospective and registered students using the native Salesforce objects like contacts, accounts and leads. With my experience in implementing Salesforce for more than 25 universities, I have seen huge issues stem from this kind of customization which could impact you sooner or later.

Beginers Guide To Becoming An Effective Salesforce Admin

When I was asked to set-up salesforce.com there was no “how to” book or a copy of “Salesforce.com admin for dummies”. There were forums and google and a really helpful community that surrounded the platform. But, if you were like me and you like to figure things out on your own, these add-ons and apps for Salesforce.com should be your first tools on being effective.

Student Data in SDFC

If you currently work in the marketing, enrollments or registration departments of a University and have just began using Salesforce, one of the challenges you may face is deciding the best way to store student information and track prospective and registered students. Here are some options to help you decide the best approach.

Tableau Dashboard- Parking Violations Philadelphia